
Spring Table Setting

Monday, March 14, 2016

I love a good table setting.  I literally get giddy setting the table a little extra special for my family.  I think it's because it is something extra.  It's not the usual.  It's something that they notice, and something to be recognized as special.

Life gets crazy and super busy.  My kids are older, ages 10-16, so it's not very often that we are ALL home at the same time to eat dinner together.  And sadly, when we are all together eating, a lot of times it's in the car from one soccer game to another.  I know I'm not alone in this.  Dinner time has become less special, and just one more thing on my huge to do list.

That is why I am so passionate about Sunday Dinners.  It's the one day a week that I KNOW we will be all home, and that I will have a little extra time to make sure that my family feels special.  I show love by creating a happy, safe home for them to escape from their outside drama.  We will often sit around the table LONG after we've eaten and continue our conversation and laughter.  It makes this Mama's heart joyful.

During the rest of the week, we gather once or twice for dinner all together at the dinner table, and I don't go all out on setting the table, but I do make sure that on Sunday, we get that little bit of extra special.  Because Sunday is an extra special day anyways.


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