

Sunday, December 06, 2015

Tradition, tradition.  TRADITION!!!
This time of year especially, we tend to engage in and celebrate family traditions. 
We like to incorporate family heritage traditions into this time of year.  One of those is bringing a small part of our Dutch heritage into our traditional Christmas traditions.

Dutch tradition is that Sinterklaas (pictured above)
(who according to the Dutch people is VERY different from Santa Claus)
arrives in the Netherlands the first Saturday after November 11th via steam ship into a local port riding his white horse Amerigo and accompanied by his helper Swarte Piet. 

He spends his time visiting hospitals and childrens homes and doing good works.  Then on December 5, Sinterklass Eve, we leave out our shoes filled with carrots for his horse. 
(pictured below)

Our shoes are traditional Dutch wooden shoes that my grandparents purchased on a trip they took to the Netherlands. 
(I repainted them though because they had become weathered over the years, they are at least 50 years old now, and a piece of heritage that I love and cherish) 
 Traditions and Heritage are such an important connection.  They help keep a family connected through time and also distance.
Traditions passed down within a family may get tweaked over the years, but they are usually handed down from generation to generation and cherished by each new family member that experiences it.  They hold a special significance within the family.
 Traditions, big or small are different from a routine or habit, in that they are done with a specific purpose and meaning.  It seems to bring a spirit of excitement and connection.  Often stirring a strong feeling of belonging, and cherished memories of a beloved family member.
Traditions are an important and integral part of a families history.  They often tell the families story, giving insight to who we are and where we came from.  They can tell a story of the history of our heritage. They connect us to loved ones that we may have never even met. 
Traditions can help create a strong connection with family members and create a bond, a feeling of being a part of something unique and special.
In a society that has become fast-paced and sometimes a bit impersonal with all the technology that we have come to rely on so heavily this days.  In a world that is ever-changing and uncertain, it can be so comforting to have constants in our lives that tie us to family.
Family traditions are an important tool we can use to help instill and reinforce our family unity and values. 
By passing on family traditions, we can help our children learn about our family's heritage, culture and religious history.
Traditions also play an important role in showing children the importance of their ancestors, especially that of the role of grandparents.  We truly believe that the positive influence of grandparents in the life of our children is paramount to their emotional and behavioral well-being.  Bonus, a grandparents involvement in the lives of our children can also help take some of the stress of us parents, we have someone to help share with us the responsibility of nurturing and loving these tiny humans we have been blessed with and help mold them into giving and caring people.
Traditions create positive childhood memories and may help our children grow up happier and into kind and generous adults.
We truly believe that creating and maintaining meaningful traditions for our families, whether big or small is so important. 
What traditions do you and your family enjoy?
We would love to hear about them.

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