
National Make Your Dream Come True Day

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Today, January 13th, is National Make Your Dream Come True Day!!  I love that there is a day to focus on making your dreams a reality.  

Here are some steps to help you focus on your dreams.

1.  Decide what steps you need to take to make your dreams come true.  Break your dream down into daily steps, and then decided on a daily plan of action.  Set a time frame, and don't and don't be flexible.  Word for it.  Don't let your dreams get away from you just because you were afraid to start on a plan.

2.  Create a Dream board.  Write your dreams down, put them into pictures.  This makes your dreams real and tangible.  When you get your dreams out of your head, then you can plan the steps you need to make them reality.

3.  Be a dreamer.  Inspire others to dream too.  By pursuing your dreams, you become an example to others to pursue theirs.  Being a supporter provides good energy and excitement, and dreams happen with enthusiasm. 

4.  Get a mentor.   Read inspirational biographies.  Talk to those you admire and who has followed their dreams and learn from them.

5.  Get rid of any negative self talk or fears that will derail you.  So many times you won't even start because you are afraid of failing.  Only share your dreams with those who will support and encourage you.  Stay away from the doubters or naysayers.

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