Sweet Me


Thursday, January 07, 2016

Contributed by www.sweetmeblog@blogspot.com

I have had this idea in the works for a LONG time, but with my health and everything else in life, my ideas usually stay in my head.  I was determined to get this one out to share with others, and I wanted it ready for the new year.

Well, here it is, 5 days in, and I'm still trying to figure it out!  I almost wanted to just throw in the towel, because I figured it was too late now.  After all, my goal was to have this be something you can work on at the start of each month, and obviously, that didn't happen.  So why do it?
I have to START somewhere, sometime and with something.  So, ...... better late than never!
So what is the Sweet-Me Sweet-16?  The idea behind this is to have something to focus on each month to help make 2016 the Sweetest year yet!  This is the concept I use in my Sweet-Me work book that I am STILL writing.  My book has a focus a week, where as the Sweet-Me Sweet-16 is a monthly focus.  I am hoping that we can form a community to support and encourage each other on our journey to Sweet-Me.  I have found that I do better with my goals when I have a supportive tribe backing me up!
This year I am striving to be in control of my body, my happiness and my life.  I am going to START living my life to my true potential.  

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